Thought you might like to see this unique way to build a
MASSIVE email List of Bitcoin users.
Each user pays you $3 in Bitcoin to be on your list.
The value of a Bitcoin email list cannot be overlooked.
Turn $20 in an unlimited amount of income.
Click my referral link below and see how easy you can earn an income and build your mailing list at the same time. Anybody will tell you, “the money is in the mailing list”. Start building one now.
Special Note: Please wait at least 15 minutes between the sign up steps before verifications arrive.
OK, this program may NOT exactly be a passive income. I am adding it to my portfolio for those of you who would rather work a little for your income instead of investing out of your pocket (Except for a measly $20 one-time only). Try it out. $20 can’t hurt you and you can potentially earn enough to replace your job and more. Or, simply add it to your portfolio to diversify your income.
I am here to help when needed,